Spontaneous- Latin name | Common name |
Acer pseudoplatanus | sycamore |
Achillea millefolium | yarrow |
Arrhenatherum elatius | false oat-grass |
Artemisia absinthium | wormwood |
Bromus hordeaceus | soft brome |
Bromus sterilis | sterile brome |
Buddleia davidii | buddleia |
Calystegia sepium | hedge bindweed |
Cerastium fontanum | common mouse-eared chickweed |
Cirsium arvense | creeping thistle |
Cirsium vulgare | spear thistle |
Conium maculatum | hemlock |
Crepis capillaris | smooth hawk's-beard |
Dactylis glomerata | cock's-foot grass |
Daucus carota | wild carrot |
Diplotaxis tenuifolius | perennial wall-rocket |
Epilobium ciliatum | American willowherb |
Epilobium hirsutum | great willowherb |
Euphorbia peplus | petty spurge |
Festuca rubra | red fescue |
Filago germanica | common cudweed |
Fraxinus excelsior | ash |
Galium aparine | goosegrass |
Geranium molle | dove's-foot crane's-bill |
Geranium pusillum | small-flowered crane's-bill |
Geranium robertianum | herb Robert |
Helminthotheca echioides | prickly ox-tongue |
Holcus lanatus | Yorkshire fog |
Hordeum murinum | wall barley |
Hypochaeris radicata | common cat's-ear |
Jacobaea vulgaris | common ragwort |
Lactuca serriola | prickly lettuce |
Linaria purpurea | purple toadflax |
Malva sylvestris | common mallow |
Melissa officinalis | lemon balm |
Papaver somniferum | opium poppy |
Parietaria judaica | pellitory-of-the-wall |
Plantago lanceolata | ribwort plantain |
Pulicaria dysenterica | common fleabane |
Resdea luteola | weld |
Rubus fruticosus agg. | bramble |
Salix caprea | goat willow |
Salix cinerea | grey willow |
Senecio inaequidens | narrow-leaved ragwort |
Senecio squalidus | oxford ragwort |
Sonchus oleraceus | smooth sow-thistle |
Taraxacum sect. vulgaria | dandelion |
Urtica dioica | stinging nettle |
Vicia sativa | common vetch |
Vulpia bromoides | squirrel-tail fescue |
Meanwhile Garden plant list
28th July 2024 IN
Advice & Guides
The plant list is huge and I can’t believe that they didn’t even get a watering-in. It would be good to see how it progresses.
Well done to all!