Producing plants for sale is a year round job, but one that's particularly busy at this time of year when plants seem to be growing before our very eyes! The team, as always, are working hard to keep up, guiding plants from their early stages – whether they start as seedlings, cuttings, or divisions – to become robust, resilient, and fully developed.
Our plants are grown with care, in time and tune with nature with no peat or artificial feeding, heat or light, and only released for sale once properly rooted and raring to grow.

Plants raised from divisions are potted into their final pot size and placed into our growing tunnels.

Seedlings are pricked out from trays into individual modules to grow on.

Once grown on, module raised seedlings are then potted into their final size pots.

Pots are labelled and top dressed with bark to reduce weeds and conserve water.

Potted plant are then placed either in our shade tunnels or plastic tunnels depending on their light/heat requirements, to carry on growing.

Plants are inspected often to see how their roots are developing and to check overall health.

Once fully rooted, plants are then moved onto our 'stand-off' area for either stocking up for the nursery, or picking for online orders.

Orders picked, packed and ready for delivery.
Read on: What to expect when ordering plants
