Propagating bergenia- with flowering finished, bergenia can now be propagating by division. Dig up established clumps and discard the old woody centre. Cut the remaining thick fleshy rhizomes (underground stems) into several sections, each with one or more leaf rosettes (see photo above). These sections can then be potted up or planted in the ground ready to grow on for next year.

Propagating using softwood cuttings- the new growth of many herbaceous plants can be used to take cuttings, producing identical copies of that parent plant. Cuttings should ideally be taken from stems that aren't flowering and around 10cm long. Cut just below a leaf node (a point on a stem where new growth sprouts from).
Read on- A guide to taking cuttings

Emily has returned to us from her Chelsea Flower Show adventures and is straight back into the swing of things propagating and tending to her show plants.
Plants continue to be moved from growing and made available for sale, so don't forget to keep an eye on the website for these new additions.
Recently released plants include:
Aster ageratoides 'Ezo Murasaki'
Chrysanthemum 'Emperor of China'
Nepeta racemosa 'Walker's Low'
Verbena officinalis var. grandiflora 'Bampton'
Propagating bearded irises- with flowering nearly over, bearded irises are soon to be divided and potted on ready for sale.
Read on: How to grow and care for bearded irises
The plants in the shade tunnels were tended by Steve, Miya and Mel- weeded, organised and checked over.
Read on: Early June with the garden team